School policy



National Anthem

The school expects all students to be able to sing the school anthem, the two stanzas of the National Anthem, and recite the National Pledge.


  1. Rumour-mongering, back-biting, and slandering are not allowed
  2. Giving false testimony against staff or a fellow student attracts punishment
  3. Smoking, taking alcohol, or any form of stimulants is highly prohibited
  4. Acting in a disrespectful manner (actively or passively) towards staff or students in the senior class is prohibited
  5. Being a bad influence on other students is highly prohibited
  6. All school prefects including class captains are direct representatives of the principal and staff in their various capacities and should be respected and obeyed in accordance with the provision of the school rules and regulations.
  7. Bringing any food or drink to the school is highly prohibited. The case pupils/students that proceed to Islamiyah at the close of the day should submit their food to the Head Teacher to be collected at the appropriate time.


  1. Littering the school premises and classrooms with papers or leather is forbidden
  2. Report any ill health to health perfect, the class teacher, or the school nurse for prompt attention
  3. Proper use of waste baskets should be strictly adhered to
  4. Any students who bring drugs to school should hand them over to the principal or school nurse till the appropriate time for usage (self–medication is highly prohibited)
  5. All students should channel medical reports to the admin officer
  6. All cases of sudden illness should be reported to the principal.


The school system operates on the basis of well-defined Calendars and Time Schedules. These normally form the framework of organized training. Specific time frames are set for reopening and closing of schools and for commencement and cessation of classes. Also, attendance in schools, loitering, and absenteeism are normally monitored.


The Ministry of Education publishes a calendar every year for all the schools in the state; both private and public. This calendar sets out the reopening and closing dates for each term. The dates and durations of holidays are also clearly stated for each term.

All students must return to school on the reopening dates. Parents and guardians are advised to ensure that their children and wards attend school immediately upon school’s resumption for the term.

It is necessary to inform all concerned that the school is run in such a way that every school day has a scheme of work that should be covered for that day. When students fail to report for classes on the reopening date, for whatever reason, they miss the lessons for that day and set teachers back. It is therefore very important that parents, guardians and students take the reopening date seriously. Government and school management frown at non-compliance with this rule, and as such; defaulters are required to pay a penalty of sorts for each day the defaulter absents himself or herself from school following the dates officially approved and advertised for resumption.


No student should be seen loitering about when classes are going on. Equally, students should not be hanging about or staying in an empty classroom for whatever purpose e.g. chatting or copying notes, etc. when other students are in their classes learning. Defaulters shall face suspension or be given some alternative punishment as a deterrent.


All students must be in school from morning till school is over. Any student who leaves the school before school is over shall be made to face disciplinary measures.


The conduct of pupils (and students) in our school goes a long way in determining the quality and value of their training. Here we have to reckon with their conduct in the classroom, dormitory, and in school generally.


For effective teaching and learning to take place, the following rules shall be observed by students:

  1. Noisemaking: There shall be no noisemaking while the class is in session. Offenders shall be disciplined accordingly.
  2. Leaving the class with permission: Any student leaving the class must get permission from the subject teacher while any student wishing to leave the school compound must obtain a class Exit Card duly signed by the form teacher. Any offender shall be duly punished.
  3. Throwing stones/jumping in and out of the window: Throwing stones in the class is a serious offense. So also is jumping in or out through the window. Defaulters will be made to face serious punishment.
  4. Eating when classes are going on: Eating is allowed only during the specified times for eating and they will be served. No eating should take place in the class apart from these times.
  5. Fighting/Bullying: Fighting or bullying in any form or manner is forbidden in school and also in the school buses. Any student caught fighting or bullying a fellow student shall face suspension. There shall be a summary trial and the student found guilty of being the aggressor, he/she shall be suspended for at least one week and the aggrieved party acquitted. In case of physical injury/bodily harm, the aggressor shall be rusticated from the school system for a prescribed period and possibly prosecuted.


This should be on account of the students’ overall comportment, their appearance (Dress code), self-maintenance, habits, and traits.


The soul of the vain man is seen in his/her dress. The school uniform is of special importance to any school. It forms a critical part of its personality profile and shows the degree of our commitment to education.

All students must therefore wear the appropriate or recommended school uniforms at all times with shirts neatly tucked in. They should also put on the correct sandals, cardigans, and badges. Flying shirts, sagging of trousers, and wearing of unapproved uniforms are not allowed. The use of pairs of slippers during school hours is prohibited. Offenders shall be sent home to endeavor him/her to be fully kitted and return back to school.


Every student is expected to appear neat with neat and tidy hair for the female and a decent lowcut hair for the male weekly. Keeping long fingernails will not be allowed. Use of lipsticks, eyelashes, nail varnish, necklaces, bangles, rings, and other pronounced make-up is prohibited. Punishment for offenders includes a light punishment based on the disciplinarian’s discretion and seizure of such items.


Use of GSM handsets, radio sets, computer games, etc. during school hours is prohibited because of the negative implications like distraction from studies, encouragement of unwholesome relationships, and stealing. Defaulters shall face penalties such as the filling of a restroom water container from the tank for a period of one week and confiscation of such items.


School authorities are required to charge and collect appropriate fees, as may be prescribed and approved by the Management.


The students are assessed in the following:
1. Affective domain
2. Cognitive domain
3. Psychomotor domain, using the appropriate instruments.

There are two forms of cognitive assessment routinely carried out in the School System.
1. Continuous Assessment (CA)
2. Summative Assessment (SASS)

CA is the periodic assessment conducted every four weeks in line with the Continuous Assessment Policy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It has a total of 40 marks (15 marks each for 1st and 2nd CAT, home and class work 5 marks each).

SASS is the end-of-term assessment and it carries 60 marks. CA instruments include projects; exercises, paper and pencil tests; assessment of students’ notebooks, class attendance, etc., while SASS is wholly of paper and pencil type.


No student shall be promoted to the next class if he/she fails to meet 75% attendance and take all the required tests to qualify him /her for promotion. If he/she does not pass the set standard tests, he/she will be advised to repeat the class. After the second attempt, the student shall be advised to leave the school. However, parents may seek the services of the school guidance counselor.


Cleanliness is next to godliness and a clean environment reduces diseases.
I. Littering: Improper disposal of waste/refuse should be abhorred. Any student caught littering the compound with waste will be made to pick them up.
ii. Graffiti: Writing and painting on the walls are not allowed. Defaulters shall be made to repaint the defaced walls.
iii. Trespassing of Lawns: Walking across school lawns and fields is a very serious offense. Defaulters shall be punished according.
iv. Abuse of Toilets: Students who mess up the lavatories/toilets or defecate inappropriately shall be made to wash the toilets and suffer any other punishment as may be prescribed by the School Authorities
v. Personal Hygiene: All students must keep their bodies clean at all times. They must bathe, brush their teeth, and keep short fingernails. Painting of lips and nails is not allowed. A clean student is a healthy student.


“A healthy mind in a healthy body- means sana in corpora sano”

Every student is required to apply himself or herself seriously to his or her duties and to participate actively in co-curricular activities of the school, such as games, sports, and clubs/societies activities.

The co-curricular activities help students to keep physically and mentally fit. The clubs/societies like the School Literary and Debating Society, Young Writers Club, Peace Club, Junior Engineers and Technicians and Scientists Society (JETS), etc. help to sharpen the intellect and improve interpersonal relationships of the young trainees.

Every student must belong to at least one, but not more than two clubs/societies. He/She must be an active member of such clubs or societies. There are a number of clubs/societies that exist in the School. These clubs include the Literary and Debating Society, Drama Club, Junior Engineers and Technicians and Scientists Society (JETS), Young Writers Club, Red Cross Society, Clean and Green Club, Press Club, etc.

All communications of school societies and organizations with outside bodies must pass through the Teacher/Adviser in charge and the Principal. No students’ club/society shall honor an invitation outside the school or invite others to the school without the Principal’s express permission or consent.

Any defaulter(s) shall be suspended from the club or the club may be proscribed for a period of time, as a measure of discipline and for upkeep of school ethics and behavior training.
Club levies shall be approved by the School authority to avoid exploitation. Membership of any association or club not recognized by the School is prohibited. A member of staff at least must be assigned to each society/club to oversee the activities of the club as the Teacher-Adviser

Sporting activity helps students to develop socially, physically, and morally. It inculcates in them the Spirit of tolerance, sportsmanship and team work.
Participation in school sports is mandatory for all students, except those students with medical certificates of exemption. Any student who dodges sports/games must be punished.

These are managers of their fellow students. They are handpicked students vested with a measure of authority to act for the school heads. They must be selected individuals, who have through self-conversion, self-knowledge, self-control, and exemplary conduct distinguished themselves as leaders among their peers.

It is the duty of the school management to appoint prefects based on the following qualities:
1. Integrity of the student.
2. Ability to carry others along.
3. Academic performance.
4. Power of expression.
5. Human relations skills.
6. High level of responsibility.
7. Leadership potentials.


The prefect body is the body of all prefects appointed by the school. This body of prefects constitutes the student government. They shall deliberate on all matters, problems and welfare of students and make recommendations to the school management through the Senior Prefect. The Senior Prefect shall preside over all meetings of school prefects.

The recommended School Prefects and their duties are itemized below. Their deputies shall assist them in their duties and shall perform their functions in their absence. The school management is required to draw from this list. Head Boy, Assistant Head Boy/Head Girl, Assistant Head Girl

i. Hold meetings with other prefects to discuss and find solutions to some school-related problems, with permission and under the direction of the school Principal.
ii. Prepares the weekly duty roaster of the other prefects.
iii. Controls the students during assemblies and other ceremonies.
iv. Serves as the ‘eye’ with which the Principal sees (when necessary) the details of things happening in the school.
v. Supervises the other school prefects.

I. Keeps the school informed of the next activities
ii. Helps to work out the meaning of sounds of bells to the students e.g. for assemblies, prayers, games recreation, etc.
iii. Takes care of the school regulating materials like clocks and bells

I. Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations in air quality, waste, clean water, and pollution.
ii. Responsible for overseeing the environmental performance of the school.

I. Helps to ensure decency in the appearance of the students.
ii. Ensures that the school compound looks beautiful
iii. Takes care of flowers and ornamental trees in the school compound.
iv. Helps create a conducive atmosphere for the development of love and healthy relationships among the students.
v. Helping in coordinating pupils/students in preparation for extra-curricular activities in the school.
vi. Takes care of students’ outings and sees to the welfare of student–visitors invited for social functions under the directives of the social Mistress/Master.

I. Helps to keep custody of the library materials.
ii. Helps to ensure that the library is serene and clean.
iii. Arrange the books on shelves according to their subject matter.
iv. Opens the library after morning assembly and closes it after school.
v.Helps to sign out books and receive them back from students.

i. Helps to ensure orderliness and cleanliness of the class.
ii. Reports truants to the form teacher.
iii. Ensures that teachers come to teach their lessons on time.
iv. Takes custody of the lesson audit booklet and makes it available for teachers to sign after each lesson.
v. Prepares class duty roaster.

i. Ensures that students observe the games period and are in their appropriate outfits.
ii. Ensures that the students keep to the time of games
iii. Helps the games Master/ Mistress to supervise sporting activities


An appointed Prefect may be removed if in the opinion of the school authority the prefect is no longer fit to carry out his or her functions effectively and in particular if the Prefect is guilty of any of the following offences:
I. Involvement in secret cult activities.
ii. Involvement in examination fraud, misconduct, and inciting students to riot or demonstration against the school authority or government policies.
iii. Embezzlement or misappropriation of school’s or students’ finances entrusted in his/her care.
iv. Truancy, pride, disrespect to school authority, and inefficiency in the discharge of his or her duties.
v. Irresponsibility and lack of exemplary leadership, etc.


The issue of good conduct is central to training of our youths for good citizenship. This is because, as the saying goes, “it is the summer of youth that we prepare for the winter of age.”

In this section, the issue of misconduct in various forms including gross misconduct, all are tantamount to unacceptable behavior by a student is considered. Such unacceptable behavior includes but are not limited to the following below and should not be tolerated in any form in our school system. Disciplinary actions shall be taken against students who misbehave.

No student is allowed to bully a fellow student. The school compound is a place where students are trained to show love, kindness, consideration and empathy. Senior students must treat the junior ones as their younger brothers and sisters, showing them tender care. Junior students must show deep respect to their seniors. Any act of bullying shall attract appropriate punishment including suspension from the school.

Extortion in any form shall be treated as a very serious offense. Any student found guilty of extortion shall be suspended indefinitely.

Students must use decent language at all times. Use of offensive language is prohibited. All forms of immoral and uncouth language are prohibited. Slangs, ridiculing phrases and other expressions that are offensive to others must not be used in the school. Students must use language that is decent, seasoned, up-building, heartwarming, and capable of fostering love, affection, and oneness. Defaulting students shall be punished.

No student is allowed to enter into a master/servant relationship with the other students. Defaulters shall be suspended.

No student is allowed to possess, handle, watch, or read any pornographic material/literature. Pornography is morally debasing and must not be toyed with by any student. Use of pornographic material/literature is an offence punishable by suspension as well as invitation of parents to the school.

These are two immoral behaviors against nature and religion. They are very offensive to the school system. Students should not engage in homosexual/lesbian activities. Anyone who violates this rule shall be expelled.

This activity leads to lots of immoral behaviors like fagging, cultism, illegal grouping, homosexuality, lesbianism, etc. Although pairing for purposes of learning together and other academic exercises could be allowed; it is important that students should avoid the unwholesome aspect of pairing in the first instance. Offenders shall be punished and their names written in the School’s Black Book (the School’s disciplinary record book where disciplinary measures such as queries, sanctions, dismissal, or interdictions are recorded).

This is a serious offense. The Federal Ministry of Health warns that smoking is dangerous to one’s health. Any student caught smoking whether in the school or outside the school shall be punished. The punishment for this offense shall be one week of supervised manual labor as well as an invitation to parents for a conference on Counselling for their ward(s).

This is a serious offense. Only thieves and outlaws jump walls to gain entry into unauthorized places or to escape from pursuits. Any student caught jumping any school wall or jumping into or out of a classroom/laboratory/dormitory, office, etc. through a window shall be treated as a criminal and shall have his/her name entered into the School’s Black Book after one week of intensive grass cutting.

The school system has not approved attendance at school by pregnant women. Any female student who gets pregnant while still in school naturally dismisses herself from school for the period of pregnancy.

This is a scandalous way of showing a lack of discipline. No student is allowed to engage in demonstration, riots or strikes against the school authorities. Offenders shall be expelled and their names entered into the School’s Black Book.

Inciting others to riot or to misbehave is a serious offense. No student should incite others to riot or demonstrate against school authorities. Any student or group of students being incited by another student or by a teacher or teachers should promptly report such to the school authorities. Inciting others attracts expulsion from the school when carefully investigated and proven.

These are serious offenses against students, parents, and the school authority. Students should not be associated with any of these acts of misconduct. Students caught in this act shall not be issued their Statement of Result and Testimonials.

No student is allowed to borrow or lend money from or to another student. Cases of borrowing and lending of money by students have led to many undesirable consequences including stealing in many schools. Lending or borrowing money attracts suspension and invitation of parents to report such matters.

During school hours, no student is permitted to attend to or receive any visitor within the school compound/premises. Any defaulter shall be suspended from school for a period deemed appropriate by the school authority.


Generally, our State Secondary School System attempts to provide moral and ethical atmosphere in which the student is capable of developing his/her highest potential. This atmosphere is reflected in personal attitudes, responsible actions and human relations among students, staff and the school community. Basic to this atmosphere is a sense of trust and mutual concern. Theft is a very serious offence and an infringement upon the human rights of another person and shall not be tolerated.
If a student steals, he/she shall be referred to the school’s disciplinary committee that will look into the case. A conference with his/her parents may be arranged, and depending on the seriousness of the theft, the student may be suspended or advised to withdraw. Stealing in any guise is forbidden.


  • Sexual harassment between students of the opposite sex must be reported to the School’s Disciplinary Committee for necessary action.
  • Prostitution is prohibited and punishable by expulsion after counseling has failed.
  • Sexual harassment of students by teachers shall be reported to the Teacher’s Registration Council Disciplinary Committee of the school for necessary action.
  • Sexual harassment of teachers by students shall be reported to the School’s Disciplinary Committee for necessary action.


  • Selling wares in the school is not allowed and is punishable by confiscation of such wares.
  • A convicted student by the court of law shall be rusticated, etc.
  • A student reported by parents/guardians for gross misconduct at home shall be referred to the School’s Guidance & Counseling Unit. If this fails, the School Disciplinary Committee shall intervene for a final decision.


One of the primary goals of the State Secondary School System is the intellectual development of its students. All the stakeholders, namely, students, parents, Alumni Associations, etc agree that the school contributes a great deal of effort towards achieving this goal. Examination being the focal point in any educational system must truly test the intellectual development of students. Cheating or examination malpractice is therefore seen as a major obstacle to this goal and is strictly forbidden.

All students must therefore respect examinations in whatever form-: quizzes, tests, assignments, projects, etc. All formal examinations must be taken seriously by all students. Any form of examination malpractice e.g. stealing of answer scripts, impersonation, collusion, copying, substituting worked scripts, seeking and obtaining help, bringing unauthorized materials into the hall, smuggling of question papers/answer scripts outside the examination hall, swapping of scripts, comparing notes during examination and use of GSM phones, etc must be avoided.

Any involvement in any form of examination malpractice shall attract indefinite suspension, criminal prosecution and possible jail sentence in keeping with the laws of the land.


By whatever name called, any of these forms of association is obnoxious and condemnable. No student is allowed to become a cult member. Any student who is being lured enticed or intimidated to belong to a questionable society group or game pack should promptly report such to the school authorities.

No student should succumb to any form of intimidation to become a game boy or a game girl. Membership of a secret society/cult/game pack is a very serious offence and contrary to the interest of the student, his/her family, and society in general. Offenders shall be expelled and their name(s) entered in the Black Book of the school.


Any student found in possession of any of the listed items shall be deemed to belong to a cult group. The punishment shall be outright expulsion from school.


These are approved modes of discipline under the Nigerian school system. They may be applied in different measures depending on the nature and gravity of the offence committed by respective pupils/students. Detailed guidelines for suspension and expulsion are as follows:
SUSPENSION: These are offenses considered as serious obstacles to the achievement of educational goals in our school system and as such require appropriate disciplinary measures to check-mate erring students. However, very grievous offences or repeated cases of other such offenses shall lead to expulsion.

The incident(s) that may warrant suspension from school shall include the following:

  • Truancy
  • Continued willful disobedience to constituted (school) authority
  • Extreme insubordination to constituted (school) authority
  • Stealing from anyone, in any place and at any time of items of any value.
  • Violation of school dress code.
  • Examination malpractices in any form.
  • Bullying of other student(s).
  • Cultism.
  • Any form of immorality.
  • Abuse – physical or emotional.

The following is the recommended procedure for suspension of a student from school.

  • Report of misconduct
  • Investigation
  • Trial

Meanwhile, the school authorities shall see to the following:
1. Notification of the student’s parents/guardian about the alleged misconduct.
2. Two suspension forms will be issued to the students to be suspended including a form for an undertaking to be of good behavior while under trial. This is to be completed and signed by both the student and his/her parent/guardian.

The Ministry of Education expects schools under its jurisdiction to carry out their programs in an atmosphere of harmony and well-being among staff, students, and community of stakeholders.

If a student engages in a form of behavior that seriously threatens the well-being of others and therefore hampers the achievement of the educational goals of the school, such a student shall be liable for immediate expulsion from school. The following are some offenses which, if committed by a student while under the jurisdiction of the school, either at school or in a school-related activity are possible reasons for such expulsion.

  • Assault or battery, or threat of force or violence towards the school, any school personnel or student or their property.
  • Major theft.
  • Serious immoral conduct
  • Habitual Examination misconduct.
  • Willful destruction of property.

The Ministry of Education approves that:
1. In the case of immediate expulsion for a grave offense, the principal of a school should immediately notify the parents of the decision of the school management and copy the Ministry of Education.
2. The principal may also decide to call for a conference with the parents or guardians of the students. Parents will be reminded of the school’s rule to which they agreed when they enrolled their ward and the matter will be thoroughly investigated and discussed before a discussion concerning expulsion is made.
3. If the student is expelled or allowed to withdraw, and it is possible and reasonable to provide the student with a referral to another school, a detailed letter of explanation will be made available to such a school.


Communication and information dissemination are vital to the staff, parents and students.
Recommended sources of information for students shall include:
1. This Handbook on Rules and Regulations.
2. Instructions by Class Teacher and House Teachers.
3. Announcements at school assemblies.
4. Notices pasted on Notice Boards.
5. School Calendars are issued periodically for the guidance of Staff and Students.


The education of our children is a joint partnership between parents and guardians and school authorities. Therefore, parents or legal guardians are required to become involved in the life of the school. Their involvement should include identification with the following:
a. Monitoring the academic work of their children.
b. Attending Parents\Teachers Association meetings.
c. Paying school fees and any other approved levies early.
d. Procurement of school materials including text and exercise books.
e. Parents and guardians also have an important role to play in ensuring that their wards get involved in school activities.
f. Parents must allow the students enough time to rest at home and encourage him/her in his/her studies/assignments. At least two hours a day should be devoted to studying.


This is an association of parents/guardians of students and teachers of a particular school. The PTA is the burgeoning arm of the school and child relationship that functions as follows:
1. Oversees the general welfare of the students
2. Provides for the immediate needs of the students in the school e.g. furniture
3. Helps to guide the students on his/her career
4. Supports the school’s infrastructural development that will enhance teaching and learning in the school.
5. Supports the school’s extra-curricular activities e.g. sports and games.
6. Assists the school in monitoring the high level of discipline in the school.


Education is regarded as a topmost priority and certainly the largest industry, perhaps in a number of states of the Federation.
Conscious of this fact, the main objective of this handbook therefore, is to encourage the production of well groomed, intelligent, God fearing and disciplined students, who would be well-qualified for versatile vocations or admission into tertiary institutions so as to face the challenges of 21st century and help eventually to contribute to the overall growth and development of our country.
It is my hope that this handbook will be employed as a veritable tool for upward galvanization of the educational system in Nigeria.

Generally, our State Secondary School System attempts to provide a moral and ethical atmosphere in which the student is capable of developing his/her highest potential. This atmosphere is reflected in personal attitudes, responsible actions and human relations among students, staff and the school community. Basic to this atmosphere is a sense of trust and mutual concern. Theft is a very serious offence and an infringement upon the human rights of another person and shall not be tolerated.

If a student steals, he/she shall be referred to the school’s disciplinary committee which will look into the case. A conference with his/her parents may be arranged, and depending on the seriousness of the theft, the student may be suspended or advised to withdraw. Stealing in any guise is forbidden.

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